
11 September 2009

SCOTUS Reporters Unfit For Fashion Beat

What did Solicitor General Kagan wear on Wednesday? . . .

Tony Mauro of the Legal Times described it as “a businesslike black pantsuit with an open-collared white blouse.” But Dahlia Lithwick of Slate described it as “a tasteful blue pantsuit.”

According to Solicitor General Kagan herself, in response to a query from the Above The Law blog:

[T]he truth is it was a black pantsuit with a light blue blouse.

Thus, both leading U.S. Supreme Court reporters got the facts wrong on this critical point. Traditional Solicitor General garb is a traditional morning coat, such as the one in the picture below from Brooks Brothers. Kagan's choice brings the Solicitor General's office out of the 18th century and into the 21st on the fashion front.

Source: Above the Law, tagged for Fabulosity.

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