
22 August 2010

Will Evict Squatters, Cheap.

A bank paid "$35,000 in legal fees and bills for locksmiths, security and cleanup" to evict squatters with no prior relationship to the property who showed up one day in a $3.3 million mansion in Seattle. This calls for an open letter:

Dear Mystery Bank:

You are being robbed by your attorneys. I assure you that should you ever encounter this problem in Colorado, that I would be happy to evict squatters from your foreclosed upon mansions, and pay for locksmiths, security and cleanup out of my fee, for a fraction of the $35,000 that you paid. There is a good chance that I could even manage this result without going to court.

For that matter, I'd be happy to evict ordinary former owners of the property with a much stronger claim to the property for less than that price.



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