
03 November 2010

Early Colorado Results IV

At almost 2 a.m., Bennet has closed to less than 500 votes behind Buck and the uncounted voters are almost all in counties that favor Bennet.

With 51 Senate seats already in the hands of Democrats, Bennet would make 52. The Washington State seat which also looks likely to go blue would make 53. Alaska is undecided, but that race isn't going to be won by a Democrat. The plus of a 53 number is that it allows Lieberman and one other Democrat (or Bernie Sanders) to defect and still leave the Democrats with a majority without needing to call in the Vice President.

Cary Kennedy's run for State Treasurer has a glimmer of hope for the same reason, but has far more votes to make up in the last round of counting than Bennet.

It still looks like Democrats will hold the state senate and state house with reduced majorities.

Turnout so far is about 1.5 million. It now looks like there is a real chance that turnout will at least surpass the 1.6 million of 2006.

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