
31 December 2010

Good Riddance 2010

As the year of record unemployment and a stagnant economy comes to a close, it is fifty degrees colder here in Denver than it is in Buffalo, New York. In Colorado Springs, fireworks had to be cancelled because it was 25 degrees below on Pike's Peak with 70 mile an hour winds. People lost homes to foreclosures and fires. Low interest rates are irrelvant because no one seems to be lending. The crazy people have taken the reins in Colorado's House of Representatives and the United States House of Representatives.

Maybe we'll do better in 2011.

1 comment:

  1. My private forecast is that 2011 will be generally bad: very tumultuous, more than 2010 probably. There are too many unfinished processes and unsolved problems. And this kind of neglected issues usually come back with a vengeance.

    I do think that 2012 will bring some stability (against what Maya calendar freaks claim) but 2011 looks nasty.

    Still I wish you a great year, and everybody else (except the usual vampires) as well.
