
05 April 2011

Crisanta Duran Disappoints

A gutless, self-defeating and bitterly disappointing vote by Democratic State Representative Crisanta Duran, in the proud tradition of Colorado Governor Ritter's most self-defeating moments, permitted the weak legal arguments of Colorado's Republican Attorney General Suthers, that she as a lawyer should have known better than to take seriously, to derail justice for 48 juveniles serving life without possibility of parole sentences in Colorado (authorized by statute only from 1991 to 2006), once again. 

Duran's unwillingness to take responsibility for the consequences of her own actions and to claim that she "hasn't given up on" them is particularly disgusting.

Under HB1287, the juveniles convicted during that time would be eligible for parole after serving 40 calendar years.

The judiciary committee killed HB1287 on a 6-5 vote, despite its bipartisan sponsorship by two members of the committee, Reps. Claire Levy, D-Boulder, and B.J. Nikkel, R-Loveland.
The bill’s sponsorship all but guaranteed its passage out of the committee if the vote had broken down along party lines. But Rep. Crisanta Duran, D-Denver, voted with Republicans to spike it.
She cited questions about its constitutionality raised by the attorney general’s office.
“I’m not going to give up on those 48 offenders,” said Duran, a lawyer. “The reason why I voted against the bill is because I think there needs to be work done to reach out to all of the stakeholders and have a less divisive process.”
She also would like to see a ruling from the Supreme Court on whether the Legislature has the authority to change sentences retroactively, or whether that would represent overstepping the General Assembly’s authority and encroaching on the governor’s right to commute sentences.

From the Pueblo Chieftan, via Thinking Outside the Cage.

Updated on 4-6-2011 to correct the spelling of Duran's first name.


  1. Crisanta Duran is the daughter of a corrupt former head of the UCFW union. And she was tossed from her cushy union job when her daddy got the sack.

    Not a respectable person.

  2. I am well aware of Chrisanta Duran's political pedigree, and I met her personally and talked for a long time.

    I wouldn't say not a respectable person, but I don't see any good reason for her vote in this matter.

  3. This bill was scheduled at the very last minute and the families of the victims were not notified. They were not brought into the conversation at all. What if you had a son or daughter that was brutally murdered by a 17 year old? If you look at the stories of the 48 offenders and the offenses they committed, you will see that there was some of the most disgusting crimes committed. Wouldn't you at least want to know that the hearing was taking place to change their killer's sentences? Duran objected to the lack of the process leading up to the vote.
