
29 July 2012

Bible Park Prophet

I am not going to alter the Wash Park Prophet "brand" that I have used to blog here under for the last seven years. But, in the interest of transparency, I must report that I no longer living the neighborhood of Denver's beloved Washington Park that I have known and loved for more than a decade. Instead, I now live in the neighborhood of Denver's James A. Bible Park, commonly known as "Bible Park."

Oh, the irony! Am I now a godless biblical prophet? I have not yet grown accustomed to the suburban-style digs, but all things come with time.


  1. Looking at their website, I'd like to know what a "skinned" softball field is. My question arose because I initially read "skinhead" softball field.

  2. Hi there! I was wondering if I could use one of your articles for a project at school. I'm a seventeen year old student from Singapore and I really think your article on motorcycles is detailed. I'd really appreciate it if you let me use it as research. And may I also know your credential(occupation) so that I can quote the source for my project? Thanks in advance! :)
