
29 September 2014

War Between JeffCo School Board And District Continues

A sickout closed some Jefferson County high schools on Monday, following mass walkouts by students every day in the previous week and a sick out the week before that.  The protests are driven by a partisan and ideological effort of a three person Republican slate of the Jefferson County school board to overhaul the district.

1 comment:

  1. Steve Kenner10/02/2014 1:37 AM

    I support the teachers! I support the students! I support the community. The board should be ashamed for the destruction of the public education system. Harming children is despicable. Education of kids is not a for profit venture.

    For the board majority, you are not acting as Christians, representing the community, or serving with honor. I look forward to your recall or removal from office at the next election.

    You do not serve the community only your own special interest.
