
20 March 2019

Denver Citizen Initiatives In 2019

Five citizen initiatives were proposed for the May 7, 2019 City and County of Denver ballot. 

One appears to have been withdrawn (Denver Airport Minimum Wage Initiative). One appears to lack sufficient signatures (Denver Internet Initiative). This seems to leave three issues, only two of which matter:

* Psilocybin Initiative (make enforcement of "magic mushroom" drug violations against persons at least 21 years old Denver's lowest law enforcement priority).

Let Denver Vote Initiative (require a popular vote for Denver to support an Olympics bid). This is virtually a moot point, as we have been passed over already for the Olympics in 2030 in favor of Utah.

The Timeline

  • April 15: Ballots begin mailing to active voters
  • April 15: 22-day residency deadline
  • April 15: Drop-boxes open across the City
  • April 29: Vote Centers open
  • May 7: Election Day
    • Vote Centers open 7am - 7pm
    • Ballots must be received by 7pm
  • June 4: Run-Off Election (single member district candidate races only).
    • Vote Centers open 7am - 7pm
    • Ballots must be received by 7pm 

1 comment:

  1. The Olympic one is really important as "the establishment" will try again.
