
26 December 2019

The Root Cause Of Asylum Seeking At The Mexican Border

The Council on Foreign Relations, a bipartisan think-tank, explains in a nutshell, why we have seen a surge in asylum seekers at the Mexican border with the U.S. (the murder rate in the U.S. in 2018 was 5.0 per 100,000 population).

Fleeing the Northern Triangle

Map showing homicide rates across Central America

More than half a million people from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras fled north in the first eight months of 2019, double the annual total in prior years. Many of them are seeking asylum from brutal violence, entrenched corruption, and grinding poverty in their home countries.


  1. Many of them are seeking asylum from brutal violence, entrenched corruption, and grinding poverty in their home countries.

    how to change that?

  2. The first step is always to recognize what the real problem is. Until that, you can't even begin to come up with meaningful solutions.
