
15 April 2020

Democrats More Committed To Voting In 2020 Than In Past Years

Republicans consistently vote at high rates. Democrats are more flighty. But, going into the 2020 general election, early indications are that Democratic turnout will be very high, which could be very bad news for Republicans across the board.

Democrats’ intention to vote is also rising more than it is among Republicans, both nationally and in historically competitive battleground states like Wisconsin that Trump narrowly won in 2016, according to more than 66,000 U.S. adults who took the Reuters/Ipsos online poll in the first quarter of 2020 or 2016. 
The highly motivated opposition is another sign of trouble for Trump, who saw his chief argument for re-election - a soaring economy and record-low unemployment - evaporate amid a health crisis that has put millions of Americans out of work. Even before the pandemic, Trump struggled to woo independents and moderates he would need to win November’s election, and recent polls showed Trump trailing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden by several points nationwide, as well as in battleground states such as Arizona and Michigan.
According to the Reuters/Ipsos poll, 70% of Democrats said they were “certain” to vote in the upcoming presidential election, 9 percentage points higher than in the first quarter of 2016. 
Among Republicans, the increase from 2016 was much smaller – 3 percentage points – with 71% saying they will vote in November.
From here


  1. "Democrats are more flighty."
    I am sure that you meant to write: are morons.

  2. Pretty sure that the GOP has cornered the market on being the stupid party in the Trump era.
