
06 January 2021

Contempt of Court In 1631

We are a somewhat more civilized society now, even though we may sometimes doubt it. 

Richardson Chief Justice de Common Banc al assises de Salisbury in Summer 1631 fuit assault per prisoner la condemne pur felony, que puis son condemnation ject un brickbat a le dit justice, que narrowly mist, et pur ceo immediately fuit indictment drawn per Noy envers le prisoner et son dexter manus ampute et fix al gibbet, sur que luy mesme immediatement hange in presence de Court.


("Richardson, Chief Justice of the Common Bench at the Assizes at Salisbury in Summer 1631 was assaulted by a prisoner there condemned for felony, who, following his condemnation, threw a brickbat at the said justice that narrowly missed, and for this, an indictment was immediately drawn by Noy against the prisoner and his right hand was cut off and fastened to the gibbet, on which he himself was immediately hanged in the presence of the Court.")

Via a Wikipedia article on Law French. 


  1. Yes, I agree we live in more civilised times. That case was just prior to our own civil war.
    Yesterday on Capital Hill was a young female Trump supporter shaking and in tears " "It's a civil war" she cried in anguish. An event never recorded in its history. Not so, a young skirmisher shouted to his "platoon" , "On me ,follow me" he also cried and charged the red coats in front of Capitol hill". He carried on alone and was hit by a brown bess musket ball.Almost mortally wounded , the Brits, astounded by his bravery rescued and saved his life. He was released later to become "Kohlonte (The Raven"of the Cree? nation, if I recall after 50 years. The Alamo fame, State governor of Texas he later quit after refusin to cessate the Union.

    Insurrection,violence, sedition are infamous declarations against anarchy. The ex governor of Mississippi claimed the insurgents were thugs and terrorists. Ex Mayor Juliano urged a bloodbath, Trump at last must have realised the consequences of his insanity (temporary one hopes). We noticed the gun toting colours of the extreme right wing were at the bottom of the steps behind the patriot flags that had nothing to do with anarchy. It reminded me of Molotov's quote in my distant youth "In revolutions the scum rises). The trashing of the chambers and offices and deaths of four individuals , tragic, the circumstances aren't known in Europe
    The vicious language used by opposing sides has to end. They need to jaw jaw and not war war.
    The US will recover; it will never lose it's resolve. Hopefully, these two major players of insurrection , incitement to riot will be charged with treason, sedition.
    I wish you all success.

  2. "The vicious language used by opposing sides has to end."
    And, we do that by sending all the Fat Donnie voters to FEMA reëducation camps.

  3. That sounds like a sound impartial standpoint Dave. Your aim is to corral 70 million voters! That's one hell of a large number. They ain't all just whistling Dixie.

  4. @Graham,
    That is why we have the UN Agenda-21 troops and their black helicopters.
