
11 June 2021

COVID Vaccine Results In Colorado: It Works!

The COVID vaccine has been highly effective in Colorado, although it isn't perfect. It has saved more than a thousand lives in the last five months in the state.

Since Jan. 15, there have been 168,944 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Colorado. . . only 2,916 cases — or 1.7% of the total — occurred among fully vaccinated Coloradans. . . . Only 0.1% of all fully vaccinated Coloradans have developed a confirmed infection. . . .   
Those who get COVID-19 despite being vaccinated are more likely to have mild cases. However, 218 fully vaccinated people have been hospitalized with the coronavirus in Colorado. And 38 vaccinated people have died. . .
In Denver, 70% of people 12 years and older have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine . . . almost 2.7 million Coloradans are fully immunized and another 404,301 people are partially immunized.
From the Denver Post.

The vaccination rate in Colorado for the state as a whole is currently about 47%.

There have been 1334 COVID deaths in Colorado since January 15, 2021. So, 2.9% of Colorado COVID deaths in that time period were breakout cases. 

About 1.3% of breakout cases result in death. About 0.77% of non-breakout cases result in death. 

The population of Colorado is about 5.9 million in 2021, so there are about 3.2 million Coloradans who are not fully vaccinated from whom there have been 166,028 cases, so about 5.2% of people who aren't fully vaccinated were infected with COVID in Colorado since January 15, 2021 (as opposed to 0.1% of people who were vaccinated). So, the COVID vaccine reduces the risk of a COVID infection by a bit more than 98% in practice in Colorado.

The vaccine has prevented at least 137,700 COVID cases in Colorado.

The COVID death rate in Colorado (for the period from January 15, 2021 to the present) is 0.04% for people who are not fully vaccinated and 0.0013% for people who are fully vaccinated. 

So, in Colorado, the COVID vaccine reduces the risk of dying of COVID by 96.75%. The reduction in risk is actually much more than that, because the risk of dying of COVID among fully vaccinated people, if they had not received the vaccine would have been much higher than for people who actually didn't receive the vaccine, because higher risk people were vaccinated first.

The vaccine has prevented significantly more than 1,042 COVID deaths in Colorado over the last five months.

UPDATE June 16, 2021: 

According to the Colorado Sun, there have been more than 10,400 COVID-19 hospitalizations since January 15, so less than 2.1% of those hospitalized have been vaccinated.

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