
10 January 2022

Medical Advances Can Reverse Cell Death

Biomedical researchers have discovered that cell deaths from infections can be halted even when they reach a point that had previously been thought to be a point of no return at which treatment was hopeless. 

Researchers report a new method for analyzing pyroptosis -- the process of cell death that is usually caused by infections and results in excess inflammation in the body -- and show that the process, long thought to be irreversible once initiated, can in fact be halted and controlled. The discovery means that scientists have a new way to study diseases that are related to malfunctioning cell death processes and infections that can be complicated by out-of-control inflammation. . . .

[S]cientists have a new way to study diseases that are related to malfunctioning cell death processes, like some cancers, and infections that can be complicated by out-of-control inflammation caused by the process. These infections include sepsis, for example, and acute respiratory distress syndrome, which is among the major complications of COVID-19 illness.

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