
31 January 2023

What Is Driving Religious Radicalism In The United States?

The U.S. is radicalizing because it is failing to deliver broad based prosperity. 

A hotter and more reactionary style of religion is surging in America and mainstreaming certain radical frameworks. It cuts across traditional denominational divides. It tracks some global shifts in religion, shifts in which America is a follower as well as a leader. And it represents a significant threat to the future of American democracy. 
The most fruitful line of investigation and response has to focus on the root causes of the religious transformation. Religion in America is starting to look more like religion in Brazil and Guatemala because America, in some aspects, is starting to resemble Brazil and Guatemala: increasingly unequal, bitterly divided, corrupt, rife with disinformation, and unstable. If we want people to choose different gods, we might think about tackling the conditions that lead them to prefer one kind over another.

From Katherine Stewart, "The Rise of Spirit Warriors on the Christian Right," at the New Republic via BoingBoing.

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