
21 February 2023

The South's Resistance To Medicaid Expansion Has Ruined People's Credit

Saying no to free federal healthcare funding for low income people in their states is one of the most sabotaging policies that Republicans have ever endorsed. 

On Friday, the Washington Post published a rather jarring map of the United States showing the average credit scores for every county in the nation. It is split almost evenly along the Mason-Dixon line, with higher credit scores in the North and lower credit scores in the South.

After eliminating literally every other possible factor, including race and poverty rates, the analysis revealed that the number one reason for these low credit scores was medical debt. This is likely why that map lines up so well with the map of serious medical debt.

It also lines up with the map of insurance coverage — especially notable given that many of these states are states that refused the Medicaid expansion.

Indeed, the lack of Medicaid expansion is what the Post's analysts settled on as the primary cause of this disparity.

Via Wonkette.

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