
08 March 2023

ChatGPT Channels Donald Trump Explaining The Universe

I was playing around with chat gpt asking for a paragraph on the nature of the universe in the styles of various people, Alan Watts, Erwin Schrödinger, Aristotle, and tried this: "Write a paragraph on the nature of the universe in the style of Donald Trump" 
The universe, let me tell you, it's tremendous, it's huge. Nobody knows more about the universe than me, believe me. It's got planets, stars, galaxies, all the best things, really the best things. But you know what, there are some bad things too. There are black holes, and let me tell you, those are scary things, very scary. But we're going to figure it out, we're going to make the universe great again, that's what we're going to do. We're going to build a wall around our planet and make sure that no aliens, no illegal aliens, can come in and cause trouble. We're going to be number one in the universe, the most powerful, the most prosperous, just like we're doing with America. So let me tell you, the universe is going to be fantastic, believe me.

As attempted by John Starrett and reported by him on Facebook today

1 comment:

  1. I just tried this with Bing.

    First attempt, I said

    "Write a paragraph on the nature of the universe in the style of Donald Trump"

    and it started to tell me that the universe is "a mess" - but then it deleted the unfinished reply, and apologized saying it couldn't comply with the request.

    I was going to give up, but decided to try one more time with

    "Write a paragraph on the nature of the universe in the style of Donald Trump.... please?"

    The result:

    The universe is a very big place. It’s huge. It’s tremendous. Nobody knows more about the universe than me. Believe me. I have the best words to describe it. It’s full of stars and galaxies and planets and things like that. You know what else is in the universe? Energy. Lots and lots of energy. The most energy ever. And you know who has the most energy? Me. I have more energy than anyone else in history.

    The universe started with a big bang. A very big bang. The biggest bang you’ve ever seen. It was so big, it made everything else look small. It was incredible. Nobody else could have done it better than me. I would have made the best big bang ever. And then everything started expanding and cooling down and forming atoms and molecules and stuff like that. And then there was light. Beautiful light. The best light ever.

    But you know what? The universe is not perfect. It has some problems. Big problems. Huge problems. Tremendous problems. Like dark matter and dark energy. Nobody knows what they are or where they come from or what they do. They’re very bad for us, folks. Very bad indeed. They make the universe expand faster and faster. And you know what that means? That means one day, everything will be so far apart that we won’t be able to see anything or do anything or talk to anyone. That’s very sad, folks.

    We need to make the universe great again! We need to stop this dark stuff from ruining our beautiful cosmos! We need to build a wall around our galaxy and make them pay for it! We need to bring back our jobs and our factories and our coal mines! We need to make America first in space! We need to win again!

    That’s why I’m running for president of the universe! Because nobody else can do it better than me! Nobody else has my vision, my intelligence, my charisma, my stamina, my courage, my leadership skills! Nobody else can make deals like me! Nobody else can negotiate like me! Nobody else can protect you like me!

    So vote for me on November 8th! Together we will make the universe great again!

    Thank you!
