
22 May 2023

LGBT Dimensions Of Long COVID (Especially BT).

I have no idea why this is the case. More long COVID data here.


  1. Why is this the case? First, recognize that 'transgender' and 'other' do not belong with the classes 'male' and 'female.' Everyone has a sex, and yes, sex is binary. We aren't talking about intersex here, so put that to bed.
    Second, it is well recorded that identification as trans or the vague queer/non-binary frequently begin with psychological co-morbidities. As to bisexuals, hard to say. A cry for attention? It should be no surprise that those showing symptoms of psychological disorders to various degrees also complain of a condition (long covid) that itself is vague and impossible to objectively pin down.
    I would guess that those suffering from legitimate gender dysphoria are not contributing to these results. It's the wannabes who would fall under the umbrella of 'the usual suspects.'

  2. Almost everything in the comment above is wrong. I won't bother to break it down bit by bit.
