
13 June 2023

Good Job Denver Nuggets!

The NBA pro basketball team, the Denver Nuggets, my hometown team, is the best pro basketball team in the U.S. after winning the NBA finals yesterday. Good for them, I guess. This is the first time it has made it to the finals at all in the history of the franchise.

In 2022, our pro hockey team, the Colorado Avalanche won the Stanley Cup (also in finals against a Florida team). It also won two previous Stanley Cups.

Our football team, the Denver Broncos, has won the Super Bowl three times.

Our baseball team, the Colorado Rockies, made it to the World Series once, but has never won.

Our pro-soccer team, the Colorado Rapids, and our pro-lacrosse team, the Colorado Mammoth, have, as far as I know, never made it to a national final.

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