
15 November 2023

Colonizing Space Still Doesn't Make Economic Sense


This picture isn't real. It's an AI imagined future cruise-ship/floating city.

But, the possibility that this picture depicts is vastly more technologically viable and affordable than housing the same people in orbit, or on the Moon, let alone a more distant planet or moon.

Until the oceans (on the surface and beneath them), the Sahara, the Australian outback, Siberia, Arctic Canada, the American Great Basin, Tibet, and other thinly inhabited places on Earth's surface, are teaming with people, all of which can be done more affordably and with far less ambitious technology than housing the same people in orbit, or on the Moon, colonizing space doesn't make economic sense.


  1. Hum... but it might make social sense. For the first English colonists in North America the social reasons outweighed the economic reasons.
