
25 January 2024

A One Time Anti-Aging Drug Works Wonders In Mice

A single shot of a treatment already approved in humans as a cancer treatment can dramatically extend the lives of mice, dramatically reducing age associated ailments, without significant side effects.

Scientists have found a way to reprogram T cells to fight aging. After using them to eliminate specific cells in mice, the scientists discovered they lived healthier lives and didn't develop aging-associated conditions like obesity and diabetes. Just one dose provided young mice with lifelong benefits and rejuvenated older mice. . . .

They discovered CAR T cells could be manipulated to eliminate senescent cells in mice. As a result, the mice ended up living healthier lives. They had lower body weight, improved metabolism and glucose tolerance, and increased physical activity.

All benefits came without any tissue damage or toxicity.

"If we give it to aged mice, they rejuvenate. If we give it to young mice, they age slower. No other therapy right now can do this, " says Amor Vegas.

Perhaps the greatest power of CAR T cells is their longevity.

The team found that just one dose at a young age can have lifelong effectsThat single treatment can protect against conditions that commonly occur later in life, like obesity and diabetes.
. . .

CAR T cells have been used to treat a variety of blood cancers, receiving FDA approval for this purpose in 2017.

From Science Daily, citing:

Corina Amor, et al., "Prophylactic and long-lasting efficacy of senolytic CAR T cells against age-related metabolic dysfunction." Nature Aging (2024) DOI: 10.1038/s43587-023-00560-5.

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