05 June 2024

Statistics About This Blog And Its Sister Blog

I've made 9,231 at this blog and 2,598 posts at its sister blog, Dispatches from Turtle Island, for a total of 11,829 posts, beginning in early July of 2005, about 19 years ago, a pace of 622 blog posts per year, although I've posted less in recent years than I did at first. 

This year, I'm on a pace to make about 360 posts between the two blogs, although this was depressed a bit when I was sick earlier this year and the pace for the rest of the year may be a bit higher.

The images below of the blogger stats page for each of these blogs (which were made before one final Dispatches from Turtle Island post was made) also show that these blogs have a surprisingly high amount of readership. They show that, between them, in May of 2024, the two blogs combined had 171,560 views (about 5,534 views daily, on average, although it fluctuated a lot depending upon when I post). Wash Park Prophet is licensed to LexisNexis and I make about $2 a month of royalties from that, which needless to say, in negligible.

For all time, the two blogs combined have had 6,545,145 views. By comparison, my posts at Law.SE (where I have the highest all time reputation of any user at the site) over the last 7 years and 7 months have had about 6.1 million views, and my posts at Politics.SE in roughly the same time period (where I am a moderator) have reached about 1.9 million people.

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