
12 August 2024

Our Diets Are Not Getting More Toxic

More children died of starvation in the United States 90 years ago, in 1934, than in any other year in the last century plus.

So, don't believe the utter bullshit implication of the following meme which is has a bogus and misleading implication, and is basically a bald faced lie fueled by ignorance and hysteria.

The idea that "new" food is making us sick couldn't be further from the truth. Little things like iodized salt and enriched flour have made us vastly healthier today. 

Not "eating local" has prevented myriad deaths from famine and has greatly reduced malnutrition too. 

Our very civilization's existence hinges on the fact that almost none of us grow our own food as our primary source of sustenance.

The fact that we understand what ails us, and can give it a name, rather than merely chalking most deaths up to "natural causes" is not a bad thing. You can't cure a disease you don't know that you have.


  1. That curve looks to be hitting a plateau, would that have been caused by the opiate crisis? Covid?

  2. Those are the two biggest causes.

  3. I think it is 5G that is killing some people. Not me, because I have 5 Bill Gates' microprocessors in my body.
