
02 August 2024

Splitting The United States Three Or Six Ways

One way to resolve the deadlock and malaise of the U.S. political system would be to divide the United States into three countries, for example, roughly along the lines of the map below. Another option, with a six way split appears below it.

Mostly states end up in one of the new countries or another. But Washington State, Oregon, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Georgia would be split. Washington State and Oregon would cede territory to Idaho. Northern Illinois would be ceded to Wisconsin. Northern Indiana and Ohio would be ceded to Michigan. Georgia would just be split into two states: Atlanta (with the Northern portion) and Georgia.

This would leave the notional country of Pacifica with 9 states. It would have borders with Canada (in 2 states), Jesus Land (in 7 states), and Mexico (in 3 states). It would have a Pacific Coast, but no Great Lake Coast, Gulf Coast or Atlantic Coast. Pacifica would also get American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and all other U.S. possessions in the Pacific. Alaska wouldn't be thrilled with this, but would need Pacifica's Navy and Air Force to defend itself from Russia, which is something that Jesus Land couldn't do adequately. This would be a quite liberal country.

The notional country of Jesus Land would have 25 states. It would have borders with Canada (in 3 states), Pacifica (in 7 states), Atlantia (in 12 states), and Mexico (in 1 state). It would have a Gulf Coast and an Atlantic Coast, but no Great Lake or Pacific Coast. It would also get the U.S. Virgin Islands (which could be annexed to Florida). If they wished, however, Great Idaho and Utah could form Mormon Land rather than joining Jesus Land, leaving Jesus Land with 23 states. Either way Jesus Land and Mormon Land if there was one, would be very conservative countries politically. Alternately, Greater Idaho, Utah, Montana, and Wyoming could form the Mountain Republic, leaving Jesus Land with 21 states. Similarly, either Texas (with or without Oklahoma) or Florida, or both, could be independent countries of their own, separate from Jesus Land, potentially leaving Jesus Land with as few as 18 states. This could lead to up to six notional countries where the U.S. used to be.

The notional country of Atlantia would have 18 states (including the District of Columbia which would be made a state). It would have borders with Canada (in 6 states) and Jesus Land (in 8 states). It would have an Atlantic Coast (and Great Lake coasts), but not a Gulf Coast or a Pacific Coast. This would be a quite liberal country.

Puerto Rico would be granted independence, whether it wanted it or not.

Atlantia and Jesus Land would be geographically contiguous. Pacifica would be mostly geographically contiguous but would also include Alaska and Hawaii.

Each country would have a large enough population and land area to be formidable in its own right and would have access to international maritime trade. 

Each would draw up a new national constitution. 

Treaties between the resulting countries would also have to be put in place, and existing foreign treaties would have to be moderately reworked.

Some national assets and liabilities would have to be divided: the military, the Postal Service, the national debt, the Social Security and Medicare trust funds, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Jesusland is going to have serious water issues. And the Mountain Republic has no coast. Given that, I don't think dividing them is realistically viable.

    I'm also skeptical that Wisconsin and Michigan would willingly separate from Jesusland.
