
27 August 2024

The Dog That Didn't Bark

You know what they didn't have at the Republican National Convention?

Lots of senior Democratic Party officials condemning Biden or Harris.

What other things are different?

Harris does not have a criminal record for 32 counts of felony fraud, or any other criminal record, and does not have any criminal cases pending against her.

Harris has not tried to enrich herself or her family personally with federal money, the money of foreign countries trying to influence her, or campaign donors.

Harris has not been found liable for hundreds of millions of dollars of fraud damages.

Harris is not legally banned from running businesses in New York State or any other state.

Harris did not defraud charities and is not banned from operating charities.

Harris did not have to settle a fraud suit related to her promotion of a for profit educational institution.

Harris does not stay up late at night making ranting statements on social media.

Harris has not been found civilly liable for sexual assault.

Harris was not found by a court of law following an evidentiary hearing to have engaged in an insurrection against the United States (the U.S. Supreme Court says that this part of the U.S. Constitution isn't enforceable, but did nothing to cast doubt on the underlying factual finding made by a court against Trump).

Harris did not hide multiple bankers boxes of classified documents in an insecure bathroom in a resort and did not lie to federal prosecutors about it.

Harris did not try to bully Georgia election officials into faking election results in 2020.

Harris does not have dozens of close associates who have been convicted of crimes.

Harris can speak in coherent complete sentences.

Harris is under 60 years old, not 78 years old.

Harris knows that there were no air force based in the Revolutionary War.

Harris knows that vaccines work and that COVID-19 is real.

Harris does not have five children with three different partners.

Harris did not pay hush money to a porn star, nor is she married to a former porn star.

Harris was not a close associate of Jeffery Epstein, a notorious pimp of child prostitutes.

Harris did not tell people decades ago that she was joining her political party because they were chumps that were easy to con, nor did she change her political party mid-career.

Harris is not a former porn star.

Harris did not repeatedly engage in adultery.

Harris does not brag about sexually assaulting people on videotape.

Harris has not been impeached twice by the U.S. House of Representatives.

Harris has not filed for six corporate bankruptcies, indeed, neither she nor a company she is involved with has ever filed for bankruptcy.

Harris did not massively cut taxes for the rich and big corporations causing the deficit to surge.

Harris did not negotiate a deal to abandon our allies and precipitously withdraw in Afghanistan, the other guy did that with a few months left before the withdrawal date he set when he left office.

Harris does not mock disabled people.

Harris does not encourage her supporters to engage in political violence.

Harris will acknowledge defeat if she loses the election.

Harris does not mock U.S. military veterans who were killed or wounded in U.S. wars.

Harris knows which state she's located in when she gives speeches.

Harris has not expressed admiration for dictators in Russia and North Korea.

Harris does not have a long history of engaging in racially discriminatory business practices.

Harris is literate enough to not require her national security briefings to be simplified down to the comic book level.

Harris can communicate at above the 5th grade literacy level.

Harris knows that wind mills are not an important threat to the environment.

Harris does not make bald faced lies about her height, her weight, or crowd sizes.

Fox News did not have to pay roughly $800 million in settlements because they made defamatory statements to support her, with more big settlements waiting around the corner.

Harris does not ignore court orders.

Harris is not the child of a father who was a member of the KKK and a Nazi.

Harris held high political offices before running for President.

Harris has not pledged to pardon more than a thousand people who tried to carry out a coup and assaulted police officers in the process.

Harris has not made videotaped speeches telling her audience that if she is elected, the audience will never have to vote again.

Harris did not pick a Vice Presidential nominee who said she was unfit to run for President just a few year later.

Harris did not pick a Vice Presidential nominee who has said that her administration will defy the courts if they don't like its rulings.

Harris did not promise a job in her cabinet to someone who a few months earlier said she was unfit to run for President.

Harris has been endorsed by all living former Presidents from her party unlike her opponent who has not be endorsed by any of the living former Presidents of his party.

Harris did not try to make an unsolicited offer to buy Greenland from Norway.

Why is this election even remotely close?

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