
03 April 2007

A Sad Day

My cousin Conor Willeke died in a motorcycle accident in Durango on Sunday. He was 28 years old and had a bright future ahead of him.

My Colorado relatives have had more than their share of tragedy. This death (and they also face the death of another relative to M.S. at about the same time) just compounds it. I mourn with them.


  1. I'm very sorry to hear that. My condolences to you and your family.

  2. That is awful. My condolences, as well.

  3. The world is a village, your cousin was my second cousin on the Brewster side. His loss is a terrible and senseless waste.

  4. I met Conor when I was in Peru in 2006, travelling with friends. At first he seemed like the average loud American, but as soon as we got to know him we realized how sweet, intelligent, funny, and thoughful he really was. I stayed in contact with him, and I just found your post today, after wondering why he'd been silent for so long. I hope you'll tell his family how terribly sorry I am for their loss, and that Conor will be sorely missed by all the people he touched during his travels.
