01 November 2007

Obama v. Clinton 2006 Voting Record

Obama, Barack, D-Ill.
* Economic 87
* Social 77
* Foreign Affairs 85
** Composite Liberal Ranking 86

Clinton, Hillary Rodham, D-N.Y.
* Economic 63
* Social 80
* Foreign Affairs 62
** Composite Liberal Ranking 70.2

For comparison purposes, in Colorado:

Salazar, Ken, D-Colo. (he is a "Blue Dog Democrat")
* Economic 72
* Social 69
* Foreign Affairs 61
** Composite Liberal 67.8

Allard, Wayne, R-Colo.
* Economic 13
* Social 18
* Foreign Affairs 0
** Composite Liberal 13.8

How To Read These Ratings

A score of 78 on economic issues, for example, means that the senator was more liberal than 78 percent of his or her Senate colleagues on key economic votes during 2006.

And, also for comparison purposes (although these are only relative to other House members) those members of the current Colorado House delegation who have 2006 voting records are as follows:

DeGette, Diana, D-Colo.-1
* Economic 85
* Social 84
* Foreign Affairs 92
** Composite Liberal 87.8

Udall, Mark, D-Colo.-2
* Economic 74
* Social 68
* Foreign Affairs 77
** Composite Liberal 74

Salazar, John, D-Colo.-3 (he is a "Blue Dog Democrat")
* Economic 58
* Social 59
* Foreign Affairs 59
** Composite Liberal 59

Musgrave, Marilyn, R-Colo.-4
* Economic 11
* Social 6
* Foreign Affairs 17
** Composite Liberal 13.3

Tancredo, Tom, R-Colo.-6
* Economic 19
* Social 11
* Foreign Affairs 47
** Composite Liberal 26.7

From the National Journal

I was surprised by the National Journal rankings. Clinton is more conservative on economic matters than Ken Salazar and very similar to him on foreign affairs and her overall liberal ranking, but is more liberal than Obama on social issues, despite the fact that Obama overall is much more liberal in the areas of economic matters and foreign affairs than Clinton.

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