19 June 2024

Frustrated With Biden

There are plenty of areas where President Biden is doing a perfectly adequate job as President and he's presiding over a strong economy, record low crime, and a period of relative peace as well as prosperity although there is always some national defense action brewing somewhere. But in some ways that are critical to him being re-elected, he can be very frustrating.

Some of the things that Biden does most poorly are using the bully pulpit, tooting his own horn, and letting the American people get to know him personally, which wasn't so important when he was a long time Senator from Delaware or a Vice President. 

When the State of the Union address comes around each year, about half of the really significant accomplishments are things I've never heard of and I follow current events very closely. 

He isn't a regularly presence in ordinary people's daily lives to the extent of most past Presidents. 

When he can't actually change something, he could hold a press conference and publicly air the frustrations he shares with the public over those issues. If he did, he'd end up on the front page of every website and newspaper in the country and get mentioned in every morning and evening news show without spending a dime of campaign money. But he wastes this opportunity again and again. 

If people were to see him regularly and one time in twenty times he made a little misstep, people would forgive him more than when they only hear about those missteps.

It isn't his natural style as a politician, and its hard to change how you play that political game after decades of success with another approach in different roles. But if he is going to win in November, he needs to recognize this problem and deal with it.

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