
21 November 2016

Sometimes Weather In The Cloud Is Dismal

Technology related glitches in three distinct cloud based interfaces have each destroyed chunks of work that I have done in the last few days, one about 15 minutes worth due to a lost Internet connection midway through, one about half an hour's worth due to a lack of an "undo" option when an errant paste command erased a lot of other input, and one about three hours worth.

The two shorter losses could have been avoided if I had composed on a word processor (which has more safeguards) and then transferred the finished work online. But, doing that all the time would add more time than what I lose now and then to glitches. 

The longer loss (related to the state ICCES e-filing system) had a more complicated cause that was pretty much unavoidable under the circumstances. 

Three other glitches in a cloud based system (the various incarnations of the federal CMF/ECF e-filing system) have also caused no end of irritation and trouble over the past few months, basically due to the fact that the system required separate registration in the system for each federal court, requiring the use of inferior non-e-filing alternatives in two cases and a requirement for dual paper and electronic filing in other federal courts.

Still, it is always annoying in the extreme (to say the least), when it happens.

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