
26 February 2020

Front Runners By Super Tuesday Jurisdiction

2020 DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION, 22 Feb. 2020: Here is the Democratic candidate favored to come out on top in each of the 15 jurisdictions and Democrats Abroad that will be holding a primary event on Super Tuesday, March 3, based on the latest polls and historical voting patterns. But most of these contests are expected to be close among the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers:

Arkansas 31 - Bloomberg

North Carolina 110 - Sanders-Bloomberg statistical tie

Oklahoma 37 - Bloomberg-Buttigieg statistical tie

Virginia 99 - Bloomberg-Sanders statistical tie
Alabama 52 - Biden

Democrats Abroad 13 - Biden

Tennessee 64 - Biden
Minnesota 75 - Klobuchar
Massachusetts 91 - Sanders-Warren-Buttigieg statistical tie

American Samoa (Caucus) 6 - Sanders-Gabbard statistical tie
California 415 - Sanders

Colorado 67 - Sanders

Maine 24 - Sanders

Texas 228 - Sanders

Utah 29 - Sanders

Vermont 16 - Sanders

TOTAL: 1,357

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