
05 October 2022

Immigration Reform

(Source for the images above)

Some quick and dirty ideas for reforming U.S. immigration laws, although not an exhaustive list, that retains much of the existing structure.

Family Based Immigration

* Eliminate categories F1, F2B, F3 and F4.

* End numerical limits on category F2A and transfer this category to the immediate family category.

* Allow individuals who are immediate family of U.S. citizens and in category F2A to have lawful permanent resident status as a matter of law automatically without having to apply for it, even if they would otherwise be inadmissible. A marriage certificate or birth certificate would establish this status without further proof.

* Waive the English language and citizenship examination requirements for everyone in the immediate family category.

Employment And Education Based Immigration

* Automatically grant U.S. citizenship to any non-citizen who enlists as an active duty soldier or sailor in the U.S. military.

* Allow unlimited applications for lawful permanent resident status for graduates of four year colleges (or graduate programs or two year degrees in a STEM field) where the language of instruction was English. Waive the English language and citizenship examination requirement for these applicants when they seek to become U.S. citizens. These applicants would not count against the quotas in other categories.

* There would be unlimited applications for anyone who has graduated from a U.S. high school after at least four years of attendance at U.S. K-12 schools where the language of instruction is English and did not have a criminal record in the U.S. Waive the English language and citizenship examination requirement for these applicants. These applicants would not count against the quotas in other categories. 

* Eliminate the "Special Immigrant" status for religious workers.

* Double the number of visas in the first three employment preference categories.

* Immediately clear the backlog in the employment categories.

Other Reforms

* Repeal criminal penalties for unlawful entry into the United States.

* Anyone who has lived in the United States for ten years with or without legal visa status, who does not have a criminal record in the U.S., would be non-deportable.

* Reduce the waiting period to become U.S. citizens for all categories where it is five years to three years.

* Increase the maximum number of visas from a single country in a category with a quota from 7% to 21% to prevent the kind of backlogs for applicants from Mexico and the Philippines arising again.

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