
06 October 2022

What Drives Racial And Gender Pay Inequities?

A lot of the racial wage gap is apparently driven by differences in educational success that are well in place by the time people are in high school.
In 2010, using nationally representative data on thousands of individuals in their 40s, I estimated that Black men earn 39.4% less than white men and Black women earn 13.1% less than white women. 
Yet, accounting for one variable–educational achievement in their teenage years––reduced that difference to 10.9% (a 72% reduction) for men and revealed that Black women earn 12.7 percent more than white women, on average. 
Derek Neal, an economist at the University of Chicago, and William Johnson were among the first to make this point in 1996
While our results do provide some evidence for current labor market discrimination, skills gaps play such a large role that we believe future research should focus on the obstacles Black children face in acquiring productive skill.
From here.

1 comment:

  1. btw

    do you want Colorado and the entire usa to turn into Oregon

    Republican candidate gains momentum in Oregon governor's race
    Jon Ward
    Jon Ward·Chief National Correspondent
    Thu, October 6, 2022 at 11:52 AM

    Oregon may be on the verge of electing its first Republican governor in a generation next month.

    It would be a heavy blow for Democrats, an indictment of the party’s brand in what has been one of the most progressive states in the country. Portland, its largest city, has been an epicenter of left-wing activism in support of causes like defunding the police and drug decriminalization.

    But by all accounts, Portland is struggling. Crime is up, the city is facing a homelessness crisis and residents are worried. Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer, a Portland native who has represented much of the city in Congress since 1996, called Portland “broken” when he announced his reelection bid earlier this year.

    “There’s just a huge feeling of lawlessness,” a Portland resident told the Oregonian this week.

    Things are so bad, in fact, that some of the state’s left-leaning voters might support a Republican candidate for governor this November.

    A poll by the Oregonian found homelessness to be the top issue for voters in the state, with crime and public safety the next most important. The survey found that 64% of Oregonians think the state’s justice system is “not tough enough” on crime.

    There’s no doubt that things in Portland and around much of the state are grim. More than two-thirds of residents think Oregon is on the wrong track, and Democratic Gov. Kate Brown is the most unpopular state executive in the country, with a 54% disapproval rating, according to Morning Consult.

    The murder rate is on pace to break another record, after 2021 set a new one. Last weekend, four Portland people were killed in separate incidents, two by shootings and two by stabbings involving homeless persons. One of the stabbings occurred in the Old Town neighborhood around lunchtime.

    A few neighborhoods away, more than 50 people woke up Saturday morning to find that the tires on their cars had been slashed.
