26 November 2023

Stray Thoughts

* Firetrucks should have lead blankets to assist in dealing with radioactive materials.

* Humans are gradually becoming like Tolkien's elves, long lived, with few children, and high cultural development. Unlike many other technologies based upon physics which are nearing their theoretical limits, medical technology and biotech has immense potential without hitting any hard scientific barriers. We already know all of the physical laws pertinent to biology and chemistry more or less exactly We have proof of concept and possibility in various existing plants and animals. We have increasingly solid understandings of many diseases, of genetics, of biochemistry and anatomy, and of the aging process itself. We have the power to remake ourselves in almost any image we imagine. 

* We are fast approaching peak human population, and have the potential to gradually reduce the globe's population without coercion and in the process increase the amount of natural resources per capita while becoming more efficient so we need fewer natural resources per capita.

* Seattle has lots of roundabouts and narrow city streets. More intriguing is why it has so many independent small businesses. Its diversity and large share of immigrants come to mind. Its downtown architecture, on the other hand, is dismal. Liquor in grocery stores is nice. Its high level of environmental consciousness and traffic safety measures are probably good on balance, but inconvenient. It seems to be doing a decent job of infill development.

* Cultures of honor are outdated in the modern world, unless it backslides. Christianity with its doctrine of forgiveness was a way to end blood feuds and get past cultures of honor to a more adaptive society. But we may be backsliding, if civilization can't work well enough.

* Imagine how utopian the world could be without dogs and without guns.


neo said...

Imagine how utopian the world could be without dogs

you don't like dogs, the animal ?

Guy said...

Don't worry Andrew! Wetware dogs will be replaced with hardware and software.

andrew said...


I absolutely hate dogs. Their only purpose should be to serve as a soup ingredient.

neo said...


sure dangerous dogs exist but why friendly dogs

andrew said...


I just don't like them. I don't like their mindless loyalty, I don't like that they bark, there is pretty much nothing about them that I like. Some people don't like alligators or rattlesnakes or black widows or pigeons. I don't like dogs and they fall on the food not friend side of the psychological line for me.

I can be civil and professional around them (I've handled about three dog law cases), but the less they are in my life the better.

neo said...

fyi I often have dog poop on my lawn :(

like cats?

andrew said...

Cats good, dogs bad.