01 March 2024

Gaza's Best Move

The best move for the Palestinians in Gaza right now is complete and unconditional surrender.

* Turn over all hostages.

* Surrender all of their weapons.

* Offer up all fighters, spies, and politicians involved in the October 7 attack, knowing that they will probably be executed.

* Unconditionally recognize the legitimacy of Israel in the boundaries it claims.

* Disavow any right of return, refugee status, or claims of occupation.

* Ask for mercy.

Simply put, Gaza has absolutely no bargaining power of its own, and no internationally allies who have any influence or capacity to impact Israel's actions.

Mercy isn't granted to people who hold hostages, are prepared to make war against you, or deny your legitimacy and right to exist.

Surrender is really Gaza's best shot. I doubt that it will choose this path, but there are ample historical precedents for this strategy.


Dave Barnes said...

You are confused.
While some people in Gaza are rational, Hamas is not. Hamas wants death and destruction.

andrew said...

Significant majorities of Gazans, even months after the October 7 attack, think that the attack was a good choice and would do so again. Only a minority of people in Gaza are rational. Most of them also want death and destruction.