06 June 2024

Twelve Judgments About People Based Upon Their Actions And Beliefs

If you don't tip your server in a sit down restaurant in the U.S., when the server didn't try to kill you or gratuitously insult you in a severe way, you are a bad person.

If you think it is O.K. to deny a child a school lunch because that child doesn't have money with them to pay for it, you are a bad person.

If you try to ban a book at a public library or school library, you are a bad person.

If you report someone, who is otherwise law abiding, to immigration officials for being an undocumented immigrant, you are a bad person.

If you support Trump over Biden for the U.S. Presidency, there is at least an 80% chance that you are a bad person.

If you believe that God commanded you to condemn gay people, and you try to follow that command, you are a bad person.

If you carry a gun in the grocery store and this isn't part of your job, you are a bad person.

If you aren't in the military or a SWAT team, and you aren't a museum curator, and you buy or build an assault rifle, you are a bad person.

If your truck "rolls coal" you are a bad person.

If you throw trash out of the window of your vehicle onto the ground you are a bad person.

If you believe that a young woman or girl who can't marry without parental consent or the consent of a court should need parental or court permission to get an abortion, you are a bad person.

If you do not provide medical care to treat your children for an injury, illness, or preventative medicine, because it conflicts with your religious beliefs, you are a bad person.

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