21 August 2024

Home Prices And Political Identity

It isn't a perfect fit, but high home prices are strongly correlated with voting blue and low home prices are strongly correlated with voting red. Note also Zillow's novel statistic.


Dave Barnes said...

Novel stat because they don't know how to calculate the median.

Anonymous said...

Don Challenger,
How does urban/county level capital investments and public amenities factor into this private home ownership/rental valuation picture.

andrew said...

Indirectly and it is hard to know if it is cause or effect. The primary force is supply and demand. Supply is largely a product of land use regulation and water supply and in some rare instances, topography. Demand is largely a product of jobs. Public amenities are a second order factor, at most, in job creation. Capital investment only matters if it adds value. The Rust Belt has lots of capital investment, but it is obsolete.