26 June 2023


It's hot, which is normal for June, but true anyway.

The street in front of my house is closed because they're tearing it out and replacing it. Ditto one of my two cross-streets. This is compounded by the fact that my kitchen is torn to bits, walled off with plastic, and dripping drywall from structural repairs, and the construction workers are having a hard time getting to the house because the alley is also in disarray because the recycling trucks didn't come this week so the bins are still everywhere. Of course, like all major projects, there are hiccups along the way that have to be dealt with as they arise. There is also construction everywhere else I go from work to the grocery store, etc. 

I go to get a haircut, and my usual place is closed for good without notice. I drop by the bank to make a deposit, and the branch is closed for good without notice, and I have to find a new one to use. 

Several of the places I often go to write and work in peace in the mornings when the house isn't that chill for some reason, are closed on Mondays. And, Sunday was a bit off because I undercooked some of the meat I was grilling in lieu of using the kitchen on Sunday and got a little sick. All gone now, I'm all better, but it detracts from your flow.

Add in a staffing curveball at work, and a couple of mildly unexpected new matters to deal with.

All very minor glitches standing alone. It all adds up to a lot of noise filling up limited "bandwidth" in my brain to deal optimally with things as they come up.

Lots of people who do dumb things or make mistakes are in this state when that happens. I'm not saying that I'm doing either of these things, but I can sympathize.


Guy said...

Don't worry! It get worse as you get older.

andrew said...

@Guy Thanks for the encouragement. ;)