14 December 2010

Kim Iverson

I'm not a huge fan of the notion that kids need role models or famous people that they can look to who have something in common with them ethnically, but, it still doesn't hurt to file away a few examples just in case, as there aren't all that many famous mixed race women who are part-Asian out there, and I would have never guessed this particular one, had I not stumbled upon the fact.

Hence, I note Kim Iverson, DJ and syndicated radio relationship show host (which focuses on a "girlfriends" view on women's issues and airs locally on 105.9 FM which is KALC) has a biography that includes the following:

“My roots are in Boise, Idaho,” Kim says. “My American dad and my Vietnamese mom actually married without being able to communicate with each other! Three years later, I was born and they divorced. My dad raised me by himself and bought me a lot of “boy” stuff.

BTW, the Mormon vibe that goes with the description above appears to be true.

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