02 September 2021

Quote Of The Day

Because excellent men in corrupt republics (especially in tranquil times) are considered enemies, both out of envy or other ambitions, the people follow either a man who is judged to be good by common self-deception or someone put forward by men who are more likely to desire special favors than the common good. Later, in adverse times, this deception is revealed, and out of necessity the people turn to those who in tranquil times were almost forgotten.
-Niccolo Macchiavelli, Discourses on Livy

I'm not convinced that Macchiavelli was correct on this score, but it is a point of view worth considering.


Guy said...


Rephrased: In good times it doesn't matter who is in charge, as long as they don't steal everything. In bad times competence matters.

andrew said...

@Guy I like your rephrasing better.