15 March 2025

An Air Defense Robot

Featuring a short-range air defense (SHORAD) payload integrated for the first time on a robotic vehicle, this variant of the Tracked Robot 10-ton (TRX) technology demonstrator is the latest innovation within Land Systems’ counter-Uncrewed Aerial Systems (c-UAS) family of vehicles. The TRX SHORAD is designed to bring a new dimension of combat power in SHORAD battalions and provides autonomy within a tiered, layered air defense. The modular TRX supports Army objectives for a Robotic Combat Vehicle with a flatbed design that integrates any payload and has a class-leading payload-to-chassis ratio of 1:1.

This unmanned ground system, from General Dynamics Land Systems, features a 30mm cannon and Stinger missiles to provide short ranged air defense against drones, helicopters, and low altitude aircraft, without putting soldiers in harm's way. 

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