08 December 2022

Tank Defeats Not Limited To Conscripts And Ill-Trained Soldiers

Some commentators pinned the heavy losses of Russian tanks in Russia's attempt to take Kyiv in the early days of the Ukraine war on the user errors of ill-trained conscripts and soldiers. 

But the heavy losses suffered by Russia's elite 1st Guards Tank Army (with 25,000 of Russia's best trained soldiers at full strength) whose primary mission is to defend Moscow, in the fighting in Kherson Oblast, near Crimea, casts doubt on this narrative.

Map from here.

The more plausible narrative is that the long standing Spy v. Spy race between tanks and anti-tank weapons has finally by won decisively by the anti-tank weapons.

Notably these defeats have taken place in parts of Ukraine which has terrain that has commonly been seen as close to optimal for tank warfare (unlike mountains with narrow passes, urban warfare in dense old cities with narrow streets, jungles, or extreme cold or heat).

Meanwhile, Ukrainian drones have struck at Russian bases deep within Russian territory:


neo said...

they'll need trophy

andrew said...


To clarify you comment, I assume that you are referring to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trophy_(countermeasure)

Guy said...

Huh... I had let pass by me without notice. The US Army is equipping 400 Abrams tanks with Trophy HV according to Wiki. At about 1 million a tank. I guess if you can't afford the best you should stay home.

Anonymous said...

Could you defeat Trophy with a sort of drone-mounted radar dazzler?

andrew said...

A video I posted today suggests you can defeat active defense systems like Trophy by firing multiple anti-tank missiles at once. I can't vouch for it, however.