03 October 2022

International Comparisons Of Hiring Discrimination

There have now been lots of resume-audit studies in which identical resumes but for the “minority-distinct” name are sent out to employers and callback rates are measured. A meta-study of 97 field experiments (N = 200,000 job applicants) in 9 countries in Europe and North America finds there is some discrimination in every county but, if anything, the USA has one of the lower rates of discrimination while France and perhaps also Sweden have very high levels.

From Marginal Revolution

France clearly has more discrimination in hiring (consistent with what I have heard informally), Sweden is close to having more discrimination than the U.S. at a statistically significant level. 

The other countries in the study (Belgium, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Norway) do not have a statistically significant difference in hiring discrimination from that of the United States or each other.

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