09 October 2024

Republican Mass Delusion Continues

Voters are most focused on the economy, with 52% of registered voters, driven by Republicans and Republican leaners, citing the economy as “extremely important” to their vote. The second-most-cited “extremely important” issue, democracy in the US, was driven by Democrats.

Here are the top five most-cited “extremely important” issues for Republicans and Republican leaners in the survey:

* Economy
* Immigration
* Terrorism and national security
* Crime
* Taxes

The top five for Democrats and Democratic leaners was completely different:

* Democracy in the US
* Types of Supreme Court justices candidates would pick
* Abortion
* Health care
* Education

From CNN.

The Republican list is depressing and shows the power of disinformation. 

The economy is about as strong as it has been in decades. Inflation has been lower than wage growth during the Biden Administration and it ended after one post-COVID spike. We have had sustained low unemployment. The stock market is near record highs. Economic growth is strong. Productivity growth is strong.

Crime is the lowest it has been since 1969. 

Federal taxes are historically low. 

Terrorist threats against the U.S. are almost exclusively far right terrorism supported by Republicans. National security is sound with the U.S. itself not at war or in harms way, even though its allies Ukraine and Israel are at war. 

Immigration isn't causing economic harm, isn't causing crime, and is mostly absent, almost entirely, from red states.

Basically, all of the top issues of Republicans are not legitimately problems, and even if they were, none of Trump's policies or proposals would do anything to address them.

It is another day in the Bizzaro world that is Red State America.

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