The news last week that the U.S. government is pursuing a Mach-5-capable bomber rippled across the globe at hypersonic speed. The Next Generation Responsive Strike (NextRS) program, a combination bomber and spy plane, will be the U.S. Air Force’s next project after its effort to build a sixth-generation fighter jet.A hypersonic bomber would by far be the most technologically advanced aircraft project ever attempted—but is speed without stealth still relevant today? . . .
The Air Force has previously bet the farm on stealthy strike aircraft, so it’s reasonable to ask why it is suddenly having a change of heart. In April 2024, according to Air & Space Forces Magazine, the Air Force said it did not want more than 100 B-21 Raider bombers.Instead, it said, a new aircraft might come along by the time the initial order was fulfilled that would supplement the Raider fleet. That new aircraft is almost certainly NextRS.NextRS won’t be a stealthy aircraft. A hypersonic bomber would need to prioritize aerodynamic efficiency over a low radar cross-section to maximize range and manage the blistering temperatures generated by high surface friction that would melt ordinary aircraft.It would also generate a huge infrared signature that could be picked up by space-based sensors, giving an adversary a heads-up that a hypersonic aircraft or missile is on the way.This raises two possibilities. One is that NextRS is not a bomber in the strict sense of the term, dropping unpowered, precision-guided munitions directly overhead a target. One of the aircraft’s design goals is the release of munitions at hypersonic speeds.Hypersonic weapons could be fired outside the S-400’s 250-mile intercept radius, leaving it up to the missile to penetrate enemy air defenses. Another possibility is that the aircraft will be substantially faster than Mach 5—fast enough that the Air Force is confident it won’t face interception.Unless it were launched directly underneath its target, a Mach-12 interceptor missile would be unable to overtake a Mach 12 NextRS traveling at 100,000 feet. The faster the aircraft can fly, the stronger the case to field it.
From here.
If China's claims that it can detect U.S. stealth aircraft from more than 1200 miles away, using the heat emitted from their engines rather than radar, is accurate, the U.S. might be well-advised to stop putting all of its eggs in the stealth bomber/fighter basket, and have a speed based back up plan in place as well.
The proposed hypersonic long range bomber would be a successor to "the SR-71 Blackbird. The SR-71, retired at the end of the Cold War, was the fastest aircraft ever built, capable of Mach 3.2, or more than 2,200 miles per hour." It is sometimes called the SR-72 for sake of discussion. No publicly disclosed price estimate is available for the SR-72, but it will surely be more expensive than the B-21 Raider, so a flyaway cost of $1 billion each, or more, wouldn't be surprising.
It appears that the B-21 Raider long range bomber (at a projected cost of $780 million each with a buy of 100 of them), which would supplement or replace the B-1 ad B-2 bombers, and looks very similar to the B-2, will come first, followed by the next priority after Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) sixth generation stealth fighter (it would like to buy 200 of them at a cost of several hundred million dollars each) with its "loyal wingman" collaborative combat aircraft (CCA), unmanned fighter aircraft supporting it (the Air Force would like to buy 1000 of them at $25-30 million each but that seems optimistic), and the SR-72 coming after that in the U.S. Air Force's procurement plans for new fighters and bombers.
Meanwhile, the Air Force is rounding out its buy of fifth generation F-35A fighters. It is also buying some pimped out fourth generation F-15EX non-stealth fighters in the meantime at an estimated price of $90-97 million each as of November 2023, which is more than the F-35A, with "a primary focus on air superiority roles such as offensive counter-air, cruise missile defence, defensive counter-air capabilities and escort of high-value airborne assets, with a secondary mission of air-to-ground precision strike."
The U.S. Navy, like the U.S. Air Force, also doesn't seem to be entirely at peace with purchasing only the F-35C carrier based fighters designed for it, and F-35B vertical landing fighters designed for the Marine Corps, and is also exploring buying more carrier based F-18s.
It isn't clear to me if the U.S. Navy has any next generation carrier based fighter, attack, bomber, or patrol aircraft in the works, other than the CCA (which is also officially an Air Force only program at this time), that could probably be adapted to work with both Air Force and Navy fighters.
The U.S. Navy isn't part of the NGAD program, which sees itself as developing a successor to the fifth generation U.S. Air Force only F-22 stealth fighter and is currently aiming at a nominal 200 plane buy in the 2023 DOD R&D budget.
The U.S. Navy does nominally have an F/A-XX program intended to develop a sixth generation carrier based successor to the F-18 and F-35C that it has been working on since 2008, but it seems to be mostly vaporware at the moment and hasn't been a budget priority for the Navy. Defense insiders suspect that the program may end up turning into an F-18 and/or F-35C upgrade program, rather than an entirely new fight aircraft design.
But the Navy's reticence may be appropriate as radar stealth may be becoming less valuable, and long range missiles and kamikaze drones are increasingly taking the manned fighter aircraft middle man out of long range strike missions, and anti-aircraft defenses are evolving rapidly.
The F-35 Program
In all 3,532 F-35s of all variants have been ordered by the U.S. and 19 other countries, and 883 have been delivered so far (25% of those ordered). There may be some additional foreign orders before F-35 production ends, and there is a decent chance that the U.S. will reduce its final F-35 order based upon past experience.
The U.S. military is in the middle of F-35 procurement with is projected to ultimately cost it $1,700 billion for 2456 fighters (about $692 million each including operations and maintenance over the lifetimes of the planes). But simply buying them is less expensive: "As of July 2024, the average flyaway costs per plane are: US $82.5 million for the F-35A, $109 million for the F-35B, and $102.1 million for the F-35C. . . . As of August 2023, the program was 80% over budget and 10 years late."
So far, the U.S. has received deliveries of about 514 of them. The U.S. Air Force has received 302 F-35As out of the 1,763 planned, the U.S. Navy has received more than 100 F-35Cs out of the 273 planned, and the U.S. Marine Corps has received 112 F-35s (a mix of F-35Bs and F-35Cs) out of a planned 280 F-35Bs and 140 F-35Cs.
The U.S. Air Force planned to buy 1,763 F-35As and 17 other countries plan to buy 836 F-35As, which entered service in 2016, for a total of 2599 F-35As planned, 591 of which have been delivered.
In all 933 F-35B/Cs have been ordered and 292 have been delivered. The U.S. Marine Corps planes to buy 280 F-35Bs which entered service in 2015. Four other countries plan to buy 240 F-35Bs of which 80 have been delivered (South Korea and the U.K. will be buying only F-35Bs and not F-35As, Japan and Italy will make mixed buys). The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps are the only purchasers of the planned 413 F-35C variants, which entered service in 2019.
The F-35 has also been sold to many allies including Australia (72 F-35As delivered), Japan (38 out 105 F-35As delivered and 42 F-35Bs ordered), South Korea (40 out of 65 F-35Bs delivered and 20 F-35Bs planned but not yet ordered), Israel (39 out of 75 F-35Is, and F-35A variant, delivered including one prototype electronic warfare fighter), Belgium (35 F-35As delivered), Denmark (10 out of 27 F-35As delivered), Italy (17 out of 75 F-35As and 6 out of 40 F-35Bs), Netherlands (38 out of 52 F-35As delivered), Norway (40 out of 52 F-35As delivered with a minor local modification), and the U.K. (34 out of 138 F-35Bs delivered, but one lost in an accident).
There have been no deliveries yet to other allies who have ordered F-35As including Singapore (12), Canada (88), Czech Republic (24), Finland (64), Germany (35), Greece (20), Poland (32), Romania (32), and Switzerland (36). Requests from Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and UAE to buy F-35As were ultimately declined (in the case of Turkey even though eight were built and are ready for delivery).
New Navy Drones
The Navy is also exploring having a single kind of fairly large and simple drone warships that put more anti-ship missiles into its fleet and amplify the military clout of destroyers escorting commercial ships:
The Navy currently has six unmanned surface vessel prototypes: the so-called “Overlord” ships Nomad, Mariner, Ranger, Vanguard and the smaller Sea Hunter and Seahawk, all members of the Navy’s “ghost fleet” of unmanned vessels. Nomad was put up for sale last year and her status remains unknown.
The unmanned ship Ranger successfully launched an SM-6 missile in 2021, and a smaller unmanned vessel launched that weapon in 2023,. The service has expressed support for building a single type of unmanned ship, closer in size to the Overlord ships that can each carry four, 40-foot container payloads.The Navy wants these ships to be up to 300 feet long with a displacement of up to 2,000 tons. For comparison, the Navy’s frontline manned ship, the Arleigh Burke class destroyer, is about 509 feet long and displaces about 9,900 tons in its current variant. . . .
The data and experiences gleaned from the deployment to the Red Sea would allow the Navy to make smart decisions about how best to use the unmanned ships. For example, one proposal is to use the larger, Overlord-type unmanned ships as escorts and supplements to manned combatant ships. Just as the battleship seldom put to sea without an escort of destroyers to defend it from surface and undersea torpedo craft, today’s surface warships need their own escorts to aid in air, missiles and drone defense, as well as conduct antisubmarine and scouting missions.In theory, the larger unmanned ships might carry a dozen or more missiles of their own, accessible as additional magazines for the manned warships with which they sail.The advantage of the unmanned ships is that they could be built in vast numbers quickly and in shipyards around the United States to include those on the Great Lakes and Western Rivers. If these unmanned ships work as combat augmentation for manned ships, then the Navy might embark on a vast building program with the goal of every manned ship being a “flotilla” leader of unmanned combatants. The Dutch Navy is already planning this for their guided missile frigates.
So basically, the Navy is looking at a loyal wingman model for its large, missile bearing drone warships. These large drone surface warships have "an estimated cost of $497.6 million [in 2027], with procurement of the next two the following year at about $326 million apiece."
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